Have you ever experienced being drunk the whole night? have you ever realized what are the pros and cons of being over-dosed by these alcoholic chemicals? have you ever realized what might happen if you, as a teenager, became addicted or hooked to drinking hard drinks though you know this wont benefit you?
San miguel beers, colt-45, The Bar, Gran Ma...these are just few of the many hard drinks i often heard, and remembered. These drinks that is tend to be for adults only has been around our lives, deteriorating even the lives of the youngters, like me. I really don't see the point of drinking where in fact, we can still live even without it. In fact, these drinks doesn't bring any advantages or benefits to us. These drinks often brings havoc, misery and regrets into ones life.
I don't even see the point of giving a dumb excuses on why people drink. Like, being heart-broken to forget what happened, to celebrate ones victory, being rejected or foul-played. Man! are these the excuses your telling me why you are drinking? If your heart-broken, just look on the more positive side of life. If you win, jump as high as you can, scream to the top of your lungs. If your rejected, better do next time. But don't drink! If these shallow excuses are enough for you and motivates you to drink and be merry, what's the point of having a brain? C'mon! Think man! Your a human, the highest kind of animal. Don't let yourself be ingulfed by temptation around.
I am not writing this to piss or to offend anyone. I am writing this because i know that there are people out there who's screaming at the top of their lungs saying, "I don't want to live this kind of life!" or "I don't want to drink anymore!", but afraid to do so because they know that even when they refused to get into it, they can't help but be overcomed and again, be back into drinking.
I know that drinking "occassionaly" is just, OK. But there are people out there who defines the word "occassional" into "everyday". HAHA. It's fun to think that there are people who really give time and effort to go to the gym to make them more buff and flab-free. But I don't see the point of having fat-free tummy, yet still drink and drink and drink.
Mind you if I say, if you're a drinker...better think anyway.
Proudly speaking, I am a NO-DRUNKER! a NO-SMOKER!
"life is a game, these are just the basic and elementary steps in a achieving a sinless and a healthy living."
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